I was downloading pics from one of today's sessions and I had to go ahead and share this picture with Mom - it seemed so classic and a great way for her to remember today's shoot ;)
Hello! Meet me here and check out what's been happening or may be in the works at Blue Dawn Photography.
NEW SESSION OPTIONS - I've had a lot of inquiries about "babies first year" session packages so I've added two new session fee options: the first year (newborn, 4, 8, & 12 months) as well as a maternity-newborn session bundle. Please check out the website under "info" for pricing.
NEW HOME - It's 2009 and Blue Dawn Photography has a new "home" in downtown Rome! It's quite cozy and will be an added bonus for Senior and Model shoots. All clients will now be able to schedule a viewing session where they'll see their images projected larger that life! You'll also be able to see samples of prints, canvases, and other products offered.