Here's a quick peek at a few of Justin and Elizabeth's "Mr. and Mrs." pics. It had been pouring down rain all week and I was so worried that we were going to have to reschedule, but Mother Nature cooperated - with the rain anyway. The rain was replaced with a little sunshine and a lot of cold. Poor Elizabeth had to endure shooting in the low 40's. But she did it with class :) And we tried to take breaks inside when their noses started to get too pink. Thank you two for hanging in there! And although I didn't post your "stepbrothers" pose, it's a great one that you'll have to wait for! Have a wonderful holiday break! (click on any pic to view it larger)

What a busy time - with the holidays, shoots, and projects, I've fallen behind on my blogging! I'm posting a few shots from Justin & Elizabeth's November wedding. They will actually be dressing up again for a relaxing "after" session where we'll get some awesome shots for their album. Stay tuned for those pics and happy holidays! (click on any pic to view it larger)

What a super nice family. We took the road less traveled and did some "off road shooting". I enjoyed the change in scenery. It seemed more like a nature hike than a photo shoot - thank you guys for being so pleasant and smiling like you were on the beach :) Below are just a few shots from the day - more to come. (click on any pic to view it larger)

I must commend the Davis family - the morning started out cold and rainy - but they hung in there for a quick afternoon session and luckily the weather cooperated (well - it didn't rain). I was worried about how the girls would handle the nippy air, but they did fine. Even when their little noses turned all rosy! They left with the promise of hot chocolate which was definitely well deserved :) (click on any pic to view it larger)

We met for an early morning shoot - Mom was armed with bubbles and gummy bears... nicely prepared. We walked the property, Davis played and did a little exploring, but when we finally ended up in the barn it was so funny! He found his place high atop some hay bails and started chewing piece by piece. It seemed he liked it more than the gummies :) He definitely would have stayed there the duration had we not had to make our way back up to the cars. Thank you guys for being so laid back. There are a few peeks below - and, oh - you will definitely get at least one picture with that cat - I'd feel bad for him/her if I didn't include at least one ;) (click on any pic to view it larger)

It was so easy to hang out with the Deems' family - it started out as a chilly morning, but they seemed up for it. I did have to keep reminding Reagan that she was really on a sunny beach and no shivering was allowed :) We had a "bear" who barked and a lovely grouping of cows to help hold little Caleb's attention... Hopefully he'll remember the experience as a positive one! Thank you guys for being so easy to work with. Here are just a quick few shots to view for now. (click on any pic to view it larger)

Well, our session started out a bit on the nippy side, but the sun started peeking out and we ended up with wonderful weather. Elizabeth has a gorgeous dress that she's accenting with red heels - so chic! I'll be getting shots of those on the big day, but for now just check out the amazing red hair... below are just a few shots from our shoot. (click on any pic to view it larger)

Have I mentioned that I really enjoy shooting senior pics? Regan was sooo easy to work with. I knew she was a tough one when she stepped in a pile of fire ants and recovered composure almost immediately. ...but at one location, a family of granddaddy longlegs was perched only inches from her face and she totally stayed for the poses! My kind of girl ;) Below are just a few of the many faces of Regan! (click on any pic to view it larger)