I met up with Cole, Grady, and family downtown for a nice early evening shoot - we went on about a two block stroll in some pretty heavy duty heat. Cole hung in there and even admitted that he had a good time! We did the last part of our session indoors & I finally got a smile out of Grady - I think he was just thankful for the air conditioning ;) (click on any pic to view it larger)
I asked Beth if she'd be up for modeling a headshot session - I've been wanting to try a few new lens/lighting combos in my studio space - and in good spirit, she obliged :) Beth was diagnosed with breast cancer on April 8th, 2009. She's already undergone major surgery & is currently undergoing chemo treatments. She's a wife & mom with a busy schedule & I was in admiration of her positive attitude as she told me all she's been through since April. I think it's great that she had this session to document the here & now. When I first asked if she cared about my posting some pics, she didn't hesitate in the least & said it may help to inspire someone else in the same situation. Beth - thanks for letting me experiment! (click on any pic to view it larger)
Anna Kate
After Anna Kate and Mommy arrived, I took a few pictures of just the two of them. It was a sweet, quiet time - the first Mommy/daughter time away from home since she was born. Since she has a big brother, she'll learn to snatch those moments whenever possible! A huge "thank you" to Mom - for being so patient... I hope you both sleep well again tonight! (click on any pic to view it larger)
Downtown is such a great backdrop for senior shoots - we mapped out a tentative route and took to foot. It's fun looking for interesting spots to stop at along the way. I love the urban feel of these shots - lots of colors and textures for me to play with while editing! Jessica is one of BlueDawn's 2010 senior reps so you'll be seeing more of her pics soon - she did great and was up for anything... and a big thanks to Dad - we put him to work when he joined us at the shoot. More pics to come... (click on any pic to view it larger)
When I arrived, Brock was ready for his photo shoot - full of a two year old's energy and a great little attitude. Grady seemed to enjoy being outside - even while wrapped in blankets on a fairly hot morning - must have been comfortable for him because he decided to take a little nap for part of his turn (which we exploited, of course). A big thanks to Mom for being so accommodating and helpful - you all deserved a nap! (click on any pic to view it larger)
Kayla came to her senior session ready for anything. We joked as I tried to get her "bad girl" to show through, but I think her natural sweetness dominates ;) She's got a big year ahead of her - especially as the yearbook editor! Hope the first week back at school went well! A big thanks to Mom for assisting and thanks to you both for trekking through the weeds and probably sustaining a few bug bites along the way. Here are a few shots from the session. (click on any pic to view it larger)
What would you do for a purple popsicle? Well, it turns out, big brother Bradley would tolerate having a personal photo shoot outside while trying not to get too dirty! One of the great things about shooting on location is that no two shoots are ever the same - and more often than not, Mom & Dad have promised a wonderful "reward" if my little subjects will cooperate (which is okay - I still do that with my 15 year old). Mom had already warned that Bradley did not like having his picture taken... but, I really think he did a great job, and of course his reward was a popsicle (they were out of his favorite purple, but it was a popsicle nonetheless). Little Matthew was just precious - with the sweetest temperament! Even when he was tired of the whole thing, he still had one last smile for me. Here are a few peeks for Mom and Dad - many more to see. (click on any pic to view it larger)
Caroline is such a pleasant little girl. When she's unsure about what's about to happen, she intently holds a look of contemplation on her face - she really sizes up the situation... but as soon as something catches her fancy, she smiles the most contagious smile and then all is good! This was her first time shooting outside and I think she had a pretty good time - hard to believe she's already one. You can check out some shots from her very first session here. (click on any pic to view it larger)